Sunday 5 January 2014

Playdate with Broocie and Co at Shellness Beach - Isle of Sheppey !

Shellness Beach
For a long time now we have been saying we want to go meet Broocie and hims famlee up in Kent and it just so happened hooman girl had time orf werk so us booked up a weeks holibobs in nearby Hastings and then arranged a playdate with Broocie, orlso us fwend Buddy (the muddy!) did attend wiff hims pack. Us did go to Shellness beach what is a noodie beach in Leysdown, Isle of Sheppey. 

It's quite easy to find but once you get to what looks like the end of the road dont stop just keep driving along the bumpy road until you get to the real end!

Mahself wiff Broocie running free
Once you arrive you have go under/over a fence to get to the walkies and then there was lots of mud (Should tell the hoomans to take wellies or good walking boots be bestest!) tiz a nice walkies by like a nature reserve so lots of grass and sand and wabbit holes to hexplore. Then us went on to the beach which is shelly but still nice.

We had soopa fun. Orl together there was mahself (Cat!), Broocie, Amy, Alfie, Dennis, Flossiefostadog (now Flossiefurevadog!), Buddy (The muddy!), Barney (Digger), Archie and Albut (Puppeh!). Ten dogs (9 pointys and a terror!) plus hoomans (5 of dem!) It was like being in a HUGE pack!

Some of us playing chase da hooman!

Meeting Barney Digger 


Buddy the Muddy showing his zoomie skills 

We did lots of zooming and jumping and bouncing  - Wuz soopa!

Then after walkies us went back to Broocies house and had dindins and snoozes.

Dennis (he's cute for a Terror)

Flossie feeling brave

Barney Digger
Archie had to get a baff coz him rolled in pooclub


  1. We did haff soooopa fun daht day! Ah luffs dis reeview!

    1. was soopa playing wiff yooz orl Broocie, Luff yooz lots xxxx

  2. That looks like sooo much fun! Loving the zoomies. I was born near there in Sheerness and hope to go back one day to meet with my birth mummy and sisfur :-)
